
Nicholas Sparks

  • Charmellahas quotedlast year
    I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.
  • Teona Papavahas quoted2 years ago
    parsley, salt, pepper, and garlic.
  • Teona Papavahas quoted2 years ago
    getting your hair done?”
  • Anis Fatima taqviihas quoted2 months ago
    As always, I have to thank my wife, Cathy. I was joyous when she accepted my proposal, I’m even more joyous that after ten years, I still feel the same about her.
  • Anis Fatima taqviihas quoted2 months ago
    I take the memories as they come, accepting them all, letting them guide me whenever I can.
  • Anis Fatima taqviihas quoted2 months ago
    fornicators were destined to clean the urinals in hell,
  • Anis Fatima taqviihas quoted22 days ago
    Imagine—translucent with freckles?

    That’s violent

  • Anis Fatima taqviihas quoted22 days ago
    there were two new bumps on her chest that the sweater couldn’t hide that I swore hadn’t been there just three months earlier. She’d never worn makeup and she still didn’t, but she had a tan, probably from Bible school, and for the first time she looked—well, almost pretty

    Fuckk offfffffff

  • Anis Fatima taqviihas quoted21 days ago
    had to do something. I didn’t play football or basketball, I didn’t play an instrument, I wasn’t in the chess club or the bowling club or anything else. I didn’t excel in the classroom—hell, I didn’t excel at much of anything. Growing despondent, I started listing the things I actually could do, but to be honest, there really wasn’t that much. I could tie eight different types of sailing knots, I could walk barefoot across hot asphalt farther than anyone I knew, I could balance a pencil vertically on my finger for thirty seconds… but I didn’t think that any of those things would really stand out on a college application. So there I was, lying in bed all night long, slowly coming to the sinking realization that I was a loser. Thanks, Dad.

    Damn that hit home

  • Anis Fatima taqviihas quoted21 days ago
    The only real strike against her was the fact that she wasn’t very attractive, and she’d put on twenty pounds that summer. I knew that not a single guy would vote for her.

    Ho is you a desi aunty?

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