
Michael Larsen

Michael Larsen co-founded Michael Larsen-Elizabeth Pomada Literary Agents, in 1972. He is a member of AAR. Mike is also the author of How to Get a Literary Agent, and with Jay Conrad Levinson and Rick Frishman, coauthor of Guerrilla Marketing for Writers.


Huyền Nguyễnhas quotedlast year
The Football Team
Lori Demershas quotedlast year
There’s power behind every swing of his sword.
Roro Aaahas quoted2 years ago
When we reached the lake, some of our classmates were already down there. Some of them had sat down on the stones around a fire pit, while others had retreated into the darkness to get some privacy. In the tall grass close to the fire was a worn-out boom box, and an unknown rock band screamed its suffering into the atmosphere.
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