bookmate game


  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    The idea of impossibility was nothing but shackles to a mage.
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    hatred and resentment often guide humans to ruin. They’re essentially the bane of humanity.
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    was just running amok. It was just digging its claws into reality. It just wanted to increase the same kind of misfortune it represented. No matter where it went, it was pure malice, plain and simple.
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    To live in the world, one will always find themselves coming across walls that impede progress. No matter how broad or tall they may be, those who easily overstep such obstacles are known as magicians.
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    Birds that never fly high never fall too far. They never learn the despair that is having their bodies dashed upon the earth.
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    But the things this young man aspired to achieve, the things he desired, the things he swore to accomplish, and the things he should be protecting... none of them were here in this place.
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    Man, even here there are real villains, huh? Laughing at those living nobly and calling them foolish, trampling on the already downtrodden, casting the miserable into further depths of grief and despair... There are shameless assholes who really think that’s okay.
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    I have no intention of looking back. You know? If I turn back, then the dream I’m chasing will no longer be there in front of me. Beyond the horizon where I give up on that dream, I’m not there. Not me now, and not me who swore to fulfill it that day. That’s why... Well, just look and see for yourself. The hope I’m striving for and the way of life that’s gonna take me there.”
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    There are times in this world where the only solution is to quietly give up, right? I hate that. Happiness lies ahead for those who refuse to give up, so being forced to do it is a terrible thing, you know?
  • TG Kirkmanhas quoted2 months ago
    Suimei simply couldn’t bring himself to accept that resignation was the right answer. He couldn’t abide the idea that people were left to drown in a sea of tears with no hope of salvation. That was how sorrow multiplied. And that girl was drowning even now.
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