St. Martin's Publishing Group

  • Añita Piñahas quoted2 years ago
    She was right to be worried. Frankly, to use late 1980s terminology, I was gagging for it. Like most teenagers, I was desperate to lose my virginity. However, I already had a lover that made me look pregnant but actually ensured that I would never, ever become a teenage pregnancy statistic: Food.
  • Añita Piñahas quoted2 years ago
    I’ll decide whether or not to go later
  • Añita Piñahas quoted2 years ago
    Well, I’ve felt really achy (probably angina not flu) so I wasn’t going to go to the party.
  • Añita Piñahas quoted2 years ago
    Harry, did you do that out of sympathy

    Hiciste eso por simpatía ?

  • Añita Piñahas quoted2 years ago
    Told her all about the weekend and she said Harry sounded like a wanker. I said, ‘OH MY GOD, WHY?’ She said, ‘He said he snogged you partly out of sympathy, Rae?? You don’t need some public schoolboy’s sympathy! You are one of the funniest, sweetest people I have ever known.’ I said, ‘He didn’t mean it like that,’ and she was like, ‘How did he mean it, then????’ I’m sure he didn’t. I love Mort
  • b5890337334has quoted2 years ago
    It’s like what Ronald Reagan said about the economy when running against Jimmy Carter—when your neighbor’s out of work, it is a recession; when you’re out of work, it is a depression.
  • b5890337334has quoted2 years ago
    It’s like what Ronald Reagan said about the economy when running against Jimmy Carter—when your neighbor’s out of work, it is a recession; when you’re out of work, it is a depression.

    Similarly, when your neighbor faces a crisis, it is someone else’s scandal; when you face a crisis, it is a disaster that you must master.
  • b5890337334has quoted2 years ago
    In whatever for the crisis appears, the most accurate way for you to know whether it is, in fact, a crisis is to apply one very simple test: Is there something that is putting you or your organization’s trust at risk with those very audiences—be they shareholders, consumers, your spouse, or your superior—whose trust you must maintain to be able to survive and thrive?
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