Dana K. White

  • Anahas quoted2 years ago
    The first layer that has to be removed to get to a clean house is clutter. It simply isn’t possible to clean a surface, space, or room that is piled with stuff. Decluttering has to happen for a house to look clean, be cleaned, and stay clean. Quick cleaning tips don’t make much of an impact in a house that’s overloaded with stuff.
  • Anahas quoted2 years ago
    The second layer of a clean house is daily stuff. Certain tasks need to be done every single day, or at least almost
    every day. (
  • Anahas quoted2 years ago
    The third layer is the actual cleaning: dusting, vacuuming, mopping, wiping, and scrubbing.
  • Anahas quoted2 years ago
    I define clutter as anything that continually gets out of control in my own home. Defining clutter this way has improved my home because this definition means clutter is no longer an ambiguous idea. I no longer need to evaluate each item in my home for its pot
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