
Martin Buber

  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    This is what it means, ‘be not bad with yourself’; what is meant is that you spend your time sitting alone with yourself and do not go out among the people; be not bad through loneliness.”
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    factual existence of a human being can itself be a symbol or a sacrament.
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    But no symbol, in no timeless height, can in any other way become and become again reality than by becoming incarnate in such a living and dying human existence.
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    everything desires to become a sacrament.
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    impossible, says Hasidism, to have truly essential intercourse with God when there is no essential intercourse with men.
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    horse drinking from a brook? It kicks with its hoofs, does it not? Why? Well, it sees its reflection and takes it for another horse trying to drink away its water. But you ought to know that it is you all the time: you are standing in your own way.”
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    How can I fulfil the commandment of love, if I do not love myself and cannot even bear to look at myself? What can I do? I practise repentance until I can bear to look at myself again. Even so I must do to my neighbours.
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    us love each other more, and then there will be plenty of room for both of us.’” The feeling of being cramped in the human world is derived from inadequate love.
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    There it is told how a monk from another Buddhist sect, following the advice of a Zen monk, absorbs himself in inner contemplation. In the grey morning light he hears a flute playing, falls into an ecstasy, runs to the cell of his friend, and knocks on the door. To the question “Who is it?” he replies, “I.”
  • overweightcathas quoted2 years ago
    This conforms utterly with the saying of Lao-tse, “The Tao, that can be told, is not the eternal Tao.” In
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