
Patricia Highsmith

  • Nast Huertahas quotedlast year
    It was like looking back at another person to remember himself then, a skinny, snivelling wretch with an eternal cold in the nose, who had still managed to win a medal for courtesy, service, and reliability.
  • Nast Huertahas quotedlast year
    And it was astounding and pitiful how naive he had been, how little he had known about the way the world worked, as if he had spent so much of his time hating Aunt Dottie and scheming how to escape her, that he had not had enough time to learn and grow.
  • Nast Huertahas quotedlast year
    Tom cursed himself for having been so heavy-handed and so humourless today. Nothing he took desperately seriously ever worked out. He'd found that out years ago.
  • Nast Huertahas quotedlast year
    To continue with the neck-sticking, I don't say that Tom is going to do anything actively bad to you, but I know that he has a subtly bad influence on you. You act vaguely ashamed of being around him when you are around him, do you know that?
  • Nast Huertahas quotedlast year
    In Europe, Tom gathered, inadequate heating was a hallmark of chic in winter, like the iceless martini in summer.
  • Nast Huertahas quotedlast year
    Would one thing after another come up to thwart him—murder, suspicion, people?
  • Nast Huertahas quotedlast year
    Thanks for all the wonderful memories. They're like something in a museum already or something preserved in amber, a little unreal, as you must have felt yourself always to me.
  • Oliver EsseJhas quotedlast year
    "I like being with her, I like talking with her. I'm fond of anybody I can talk to." The phrases of some letter she had written to Carol and never mailed drifted across her mind as if to answer Richard. I feel I stand in a desert with my hands outstretched, and you are raining down upon me.
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    It pained David most to think that two sons who lived in St. Louis had Mrs. McCartney for a mother.
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    was not like the boardinghouse, where with all that humanity around him he felt as lonely as an atom in space.
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