There’s wisdom in repetition, in going to the same place often, seeing the same painting again and again, re-reading a much loved book.’
‘Most people would say repetition is boring.’
‘The young maybe.’
Ika Sopiahhas quoted2 years ago
Do you know what the luckiest thing is?
It is to be at home everywhere.
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
But Omovo knew otherwise; he saw beneath the dignity, the fine clothes, and the feathered hat to the bright crack within and a threatening void
Omovo's feelings towards his father
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
‘I’m happy for you. You have your art. I don’t have anything. Except, maybe, you.’
He is her hope
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
‘I’m happy for you. You have your art. I don’t have anything. Except, maybe, you.’
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
‘I’m happy for you. You have your art. I don’t have anything. Except, maybe, you.’
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
he recalled something else he had innocently witnessed.
First encounter- father dancing (showman), second his father having sex
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
the man was having another bout of insomnia.
Father's personality
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
See how Africa kills her young ones…
Tanitia van der walthas quotedlast year
he remembered many things: his mother dying while his father ran after other women, his brothers thrown out when they questioned him about the aimlessness of their lives. His father stopped pacing and brought up a fresh complaint about how useless all his children were and how unmerciful God had been to him in this respect. He said it with a sad passionate conviction. And over every one of his actions was that impression of acting out a feverish mania.