Job growth is expressed as net job growth and then split into full- and part-time hirers.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
To avoid counting the same output more than once, GDP includes only final goods and services—not those that are used to make another product. For example, GDP would not include the wheat used to make bread, but would include the bread itself.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
The balance of trade is a statement of a country's trade in goods (merchandise) and services. It covers trade in products such as manufactured goods, raw materials, and agricultural goods, as well as travel and transportation.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
is a family of indexes that measures average changes in selling prices received by domestic producers for their output.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
measure that calculates current expenditure by households and producers of private nonprofit services to households.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
Foreign exchange markets tend to focus on seasonally adjusted finished goods PPI and how the index has reacted on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
It is a measure of the income generated by production within Canada. GDP is also referred to as economic output
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
rovides more details than that of the United States.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
measures the average rate of increase in prices.
Gherman Khinichhas quoted7 years ago
aims to keep inflation within a target range of 1% to 3%.