The pulse-pounding finale has arrived. A powerful force seeks to recreate the star system—pushing the Red Rover and its young adult crew to the brink of extinction. There is nowhere to run and hide as only the “strong” will survive the Ingression!
From the moment the Red Rover first disembarked from the Rover Base Alpha—they were on a collision course with destiny.
The trials and tribulations they had withstood across two-star systems and multiple foreign worlds could attest to that. Their courage and confidence in one another kept them strong—even when presented with overwhelming odds—time and time again.
Still reeling from the events of their last mission, the crew sets out to return to the alien world of Kethyrie. Along the way, they are hastily thrown off course by a powerful new enemy—landing them in a place that could only exist in a dream.
A paradise to some. A perdition to others.
With the fate of the entire system hanging in the balance, against all odds, the crew must do whatever it takes to keep this evil from achieving its malevolent goals—even if it means paying the ultimate price to do so.
Our youth remains the key as the journey careens uncontrollably towards its epic conclusion. A space odyssey to the bitter end. Some scholars have opined that the future is unwritten.
But what if they were wrong?