They belonged to you before I ever saw you. They belong to you in every universe we’re in, Harriet.”
verogr16has quoted2 years ago
Like even when something beautiful breaks, the making of it still matters.
verogr16has quoted2 years ago
“But that’s the point. Your job doesn’t have to be your identity. It can just be a place you go, that doesn’t define you or make you miserable. You deserve to be happy, Harriet.”
charlreadshas quoted3 days ago
From the loneliness, from the fear that I would never escape it. Because feelings were changeable, and people were unpredictable. You couldn’t hold on to them through the force of will.
charlreadshas quoted6 days ago
Maybe I need to know that he remembers, that he hasn’t totally forgotten what it felt like to love me, while I’m trapped with him burned onto my heart, my brain, my lungs, my skin.
charlreadshas quoted6 days ago
I just know every second before we touched felt like a century. Then once we did, time lost all meaning.
fanhas quoted19 days ago
No one else’s happiness is yours to grant, Mom, I tell her. You need to find yours.
fanhas quoted19 days ago
“Wyn,” I whisper shakily. His fingers twitch, tightening through my curls. “Are you saying I can come home?”
“I’m saying,” he murmurs softly, “it’s not home unless you’re there.”
fanhas quoted19 days ago
I want my life to be like—like making pottery. I want to enjoy it while it’s happening, not just for where it might get me eventually.
fanhas quoted19 days ago
Want is a kind of thief. It’s a door in your heart, and once you know it’s there, you’ll spend your life longing for whatever’s behind it.