2 posts from Kristine Klussman on how to reclaim your time and live with intention & how to connect with the meaning in your life.
Episode 2656: How To Reclaim Your Time and Live With Intention AND Connect With the Meaning In Your Life by Kristine Klussman
Kristine Klussman specialized in Health Psychology (Behavioral Medicine) at Harvard Medical School, then founded and ran the Health Psychology program and post-doctoral training programs at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. She found her work with cancer and cardiac patients inspiring, uplifting, and humbling. She found so many of those going through life-threatening illness were - sometimes for the first time in their lives - absolutely clear what truly mattered to them: authenticity and connection. In 2016, she founded a non-profit to focus full-time on trying to understand, explain and teach what she now believes is the single most meaningful and rewarding aspect of our existence.
The original posts are located here:
https://www.kristineklussman.com/how-to-reclaim-your-time-and-live-with-intention/ &
https://www.kristineklussman.com/connect-with-meaning-in-your-life/Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com
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