

Наталья Богатыреваhas quoted2 years ago
“I’m in pain. It hurts to run and it hurts to just stand here. It hurts to walk and it would hurt to lie down. Regardless of what I do, it hurts, so I might as well run and get it over with as soon as possible.”
Наталья Богатыреваhas quoted2 years ago
What Laura realized is that it takes work to procrastinate and it takes work to face your fear of finishing. There’s really no escape from some form of work. Why not tackle the work that’s going to reap the most long-range benefits?
Наталья Богатыреваhas quoted2 years ago
This project may be larger than you initially anticipated. Now that you’ve gotten started and can see all the work before you, you may need to do a little more three-dimensional thinking to overcome the terror of being overwhelmed. Break the project into sections interspersed with legitimate breaks and planned vacations. Keep your commitment to guilt-free play. This is not the time for criticism and images of deprivation. Make sure you reward every step of progress, regardless of how small.
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