Victoria Thompson

Edgar® Nominated author Victoria Thompson writes the Gaslight Mystery Series, set in turn-of-the-century New York City and featuring midwife Sarah Brandt. Her last book, MURDER ON FIFTH AVENUE, has been nominated for an Agatha Award. Her latest, MURDER IN CHELSEA, is a May 2013 release from Berkley Prime Crime. She also contributed to the award winning writing textbook MANY GENRES/ONE CRAFT. A popular speaker, Victoria teaches in the Seton Hill University master's program in writing popular fiction. She lives in Central PA with her husband and a very spoiled little dog."I became enchanted by New York City, and Greenwich Village in particular, while one of my daughters attended NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. After reading many books about the village, and spending many pleasant hours dining, shopping, and just wandering the streets, I was permanently hooked!" Victoria Thompson is has also written 20 historical romances.
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