Gamei Hitsuji


TG Kirkmanhas quoted25 days ago
The idea of impossibility was nothing but shackles to a mage.
TG Kirkmanhas quoted25 days ago
hatred and resentment often guide humans to ruin. They’re essentially the bane of humanity.
TG Kirkmanhas quoted25 days ago
was just running amok. It was just digging its claws into reality. It just wanted to increase the same kind of misfortune it represented. No matter where it went, it was pure malice, plain and simple.


TG Kirkmanshared an impressionlast year
🔮Hidden Depths
👍Worth reading

It’s nice to experience a different type of reincarnation isekai. Oh, and physics training in a light novel… what’s not to love?!

  • EnceoftheWindshared an impression3 days ago
    EnceoftheWindshared an impression4 days ago
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