
Judith Butler

  • 302 Rizvi Khadijahas quoted3 days ago
    “gender” with sociocultural forms of becoming.
  • 302 Rizvi Khadijahas quoted3 days ago
    In a late interview, Laplanche suggests that “ideology” takes place when cultural codes enter into the most primal fantasies where there is no clear way to dissociate the unconscious from the work of the cultural
  • 302 Rizvi Khadijahas quoted3 days ago
    but to see how a range of cultural and social elements are reorganized through pathways or arrangements already operating at the level of the unconscious
  • 302 Rizvi Khadijahas quoted3 days ago
    For it is not just a set of beliefs that we came to adopt in time, but ways of organizing reality that are part of our very formation, including our education. Ideology provides the terms by which we come to understand ourselves, but it also brings us into beings as social subjects.
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