
Al Ries

  • aurelia anastasiahas quoted2 years ago
    Perhaps it’s human nature not to admit there are things you can’t do. Certainly most marketers believe that anything is achievable if you are energetic enough, or creative enough, or determined enough. Especially if you are willing to spend enough money.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    The objective is to create in the mind of the prospect the perception that there is no other product on the market quite like your product.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    Marketing is building a brand in the mind of the prospect.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    The power of a brand is inversely proportional to its scope.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    Because it wants to sell more cars. And in the short term, it does. But in the long term, the model expansion undermines the brand name in the mind of the consumer
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    A brand becomes stronger when you narrow its focus.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    Good things happen when you contract your brand rather than expand it.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    Rich people buy expensive houses and eat in expensive restaurants. They drive Rolls-Royces and wear Rolex watches. They vacation on the Riviera.

    Would buying an expensive house, a Rolls-Royce, and a Rolex make you rich? Just the opposite. It’s likely to make you poor, even bankrupt.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    If you want to be rich, you have to do what rich people did before they were rich—you have to find out what they did to become rich. If you want to have a successful company, you have to do what successful companies did before they were successful.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    The best way to generate publicity is by being first. In other words, by being the first brand in a new category.
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