

  • plvacchas quotedlast month
    Levels of testosterone begin to rise upon falling asleep, peak at about the time of first REM, and remain at that level until awakening
  • plvacchas quotedlast month
    Another anabolic hormone, somatotropin or human growth hormone, also has a characteristic secretion pattern during sleep. Shortly after deep sleep begins, growth hormone concentrations begin to rise, leading to a sustained peak lasting 1.5 to 3.5 hours.
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    The work came easily and naturally to me. But, for that very reason, I resisted it.
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    His reply changed my life: “Sometimes the easy way out is the right way in.”
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    That’s what self-defeating behavior does. It works against our own best interests. It defies our deepest desires. It creates more problems than it solves
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    “I can’t believe I did that again! I should have known better! I’m my own worst enemy!”
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    Self-defeating behavior occurs when we fail to learn the lessons that life tries to teach us. It represents the victory of impulse over awareness, immediate gratification over lasting satisfaction, relief over resolution
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    When faced with a crisis, a threat or a potentially upsetting situation, we try to protect ourselves
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    ourselves. We grasp for something that will reduce tension or keep us from getting hurt
  • dnmvntskhas quotedlast year
    . The action itself seems logical and expedient at the time, and it might actually succeed in bringing about short-term relief. But that behavior invariably comes back to haunt us
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