bookmate game

Jules Verne

  • b6211710480has quoted4 months ago
    19 Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the oldest portion of the city of Hamburg.
  • maithilyrajpoothas quotedlast year
    young Virlandaise of seventeen, Martha, and myself. As his nephew and an orphan, I became his laboratory assistant.
  • b9880401629has quoted2 years ago
    which was al­ways flush.
  • New Neverlanderhas quoted2 years ago
    He began to ask him­self if this bet that Mr. Fogg talked about was not really in good earn­est, and whether his fate was not in truth for­cing him, des­pite his love of re­pose, around the world in eighty days!
  • New Neverlanderhas quoted2 years ago
    Sir Fran­cis cor­rec­ted Passep­ar­tout’s time, whereupon the lat­ter made the same re­mark that he had done to Fix; and upon the gen­eral in­sist­ing that the watch should be reg­u­lated in each new me­ridian, since he was con­stantly go­ing east­ward, that is in the face of the sun, and there­fore the days were shorter by four minutes for each de­gree gone over, Passep­ar­tout ob­stin­ately re­fused to al­ter his watch, which he kept at Lon­don time.
  • New Neverlanderhas quoted2 years ago
    The Parsee lit a fire in the bun­ga­low with a few dry branches, and the warmth was very grate­ful, pro­vi­sions pur­chased at Kholby suf­ficed for sup­per, and the trav­el­lers ate raven­ously.
  • New Neverlanderhas quoted2 years ago
    He shut his eyes for an in­stant, as if to avoid her look. When he opened them again, “I love you!” he said, simply. “Yes, by all that is holi­est, I love you, and I am en­tirely yours!”
  • Dhrubo Chowdhuryhas quoted7 months ago
    “A true Eng­lish­man doesn’t joke when he is talk­ing about so ser­i­ous a thing as a wager,” replied Phileas Fogg, sol­emnly.
  • Dhrubo Chowdhuryhas quoted7 months ago
    an as­tro­nom­ical clock, dir­ec­ted his steps to the pass­port of­fice. As for the won­ders of Bom­bay—its fam­ous city hall, its splen­did lib­rary,
  • Dhrubo Chowdhuryhas quoted5 months ago
    The ele­phant, which its owner had reared, not for a beast of bur­den, but for war­like pur­poses, was half do­mest­ic­ated.
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