K. A Knight

  • Вика Ткаченкоhas quoted2 years ago
    Those who love us have the opportunity to hurt us the worst, and in my experience, they always do.
  • Вика Ткаченкоhas quoted2 years ago
    That’s the thing, though, life doesn’t owe you a goddamn fucking thing.
    It doesn’t owe you life, you have to fight for it to endure and survive. And I did.
    It’s filled with moments, of winding paths and unexpected turns. Each person that comes into your life offers you a new world, a new place and feelings, not always good, and from each one, we have the opportunity to learn. Whether we accept those lessons is on us. From my dad, I learned to accept pain, to understand how strong my body is, even when it’s broken repeatedly, and from that, I know I can survive this. Each person has taught me something.
    Love, love is enduring. Love is blind. Love is messy and so perfect, we search our entire lives for it, even when we think we aren’t.
  • Вика Ткаченкоhas quoted2 years ago
    Never underestimate a woman, because those seen as weak have a lot less to lose than those with everything.
  • Вика Ткаченкоhas quoted2 years ago
    “Women, am I right? Can’t live without them, can’t kill without them.”
  • Lisa Okhas quoted2 years ago
    Just then, my phone goes off. I’m torn between hugging my bat and answering, but when it buzzes again, I place my bat down and yank it out of my pocket…yes, that’s right, bitches, my dress has pockets. Ain’t anything better. You can hide snacks and weapons so easily.
  • Lisa Okhas quoted2 years ago
    “Yo, big dudes, we’re rolling out.”

    “Miss, we have been told for you to stay—” One of them starts.
  • Lisa Okhas quoted2 years ago
    Garrett texted me, he needs our help, come on, autobots, unite!”
  • Lisa Okhas quoted2 years ago
    He winces. “They’re going to murder me.”

    “Nah, okay, maybe, but they would make it quick.” I shrug as I strap on my weapons like a badass.
  • Lisa Okhas quoted2 years ago
    I don’t give myself time to think on what I’m doing. I’m in survival mode, it’s me or them. In this life I now live, blood was bound to cover my hands. You either get dirty or you die.
  • Lisa Okhas quoted2 years ago
    My little bird.


    And they took her.

    I will paint this town red. I will kill everyone in it and wear their skin to find her.
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