eyes developed a severe case of tunnel vision. Spectres
Vivi Poulsenhas quoted8 months ago
“It was in my box of keepsakes, the only piece of her jewelry not disposed of
b1974859306has quoted2 years ago
She would make a very enjoyable deterrent against the subtle pressure of the Palace to settle down at last, with a suitable bride.
b8588193145has quoted2 years ago
caustic. “I have a six-year-old, a health store that’s afloat for now and aging parents. I’m practical
Doris Igbanibohas quoted2 years ago
For each year Alejandro achieved the target he’d set his company, he planned to donate a share of the company’s profit to humanitarian projects.
Salmonia Levona Frieslaarhas quotedlast year
Er—do we know each other?’ she added. For some reason, the man looked vaguely familiar to her.
As far
Salmonia Levona Frieslaarhas quotedlast year
‘What brings you to London, Luccy?’ he asked in an attempt to clear his mind of passionate thoughts.
‘Like you, business,’ she said.
Salmonia Levona Frieslaarhas quotedlast year
A conversation that had resulted in Sin questioning exactly when Luccy had realised he’d seemed familiar to her that following evening. Before or after he’d come across her with Bridger? After his conversation with Bridger, Sin was betting on it being before.