bookmate game

Agatha Christie

  • annalovesmitskihas quotedlast year
    “Man is a vain animal.
  • annalovesmitskihas quotedlast year
    “Your idea of a woman is some one who gets on a chair and shrieks if she sees a mouse.
  • annalovesmitskihas quotedlast year
    Man is an unoriginal animal.
  • annalovesmitskihas quotedlast year
    “Mon ami, you must make your own deductions. You have ‘access to the facts!’ Concentrate your grey cells.
  • annalovesmitskihas quotedlast year
    A good intelligence—and so deplorably lacking in method. There is an exercise most excellent for the development of the little grey cells. I will impart it to you—”
  • annalovesmitskihas quoted10 months ago
    whom will a woman lie? Sometimes for herself, usually for the man she loves, always for her children.
  • lyltiger131has quoted7 months ago
    “Let me see, was that the old lady who was poisoned?
  • Gungunnnhas quoted3 months ago
    'There! Now we're friends!' declared the minx. 'Say you're sorry about my sister--'

    'I am desolated!'

    'That's a good boy!'
  • Gungunnnhas quoted3 months ago
    An extraordinary little man! Height, five feet four inches, egg-shaped head carried a little to one side, eyes that shone green when he was excited, stiff military moustache, air of dignity immense!

    He was neat and dandified in appearance. For neatness of any kind he had an absolute passion. To see an ornament set crookedly, or a speck of dust, or a slight disarray in one's attire, was torture to the little man until he could ease his feelings by remedying the matter.
  • Gungunnnhas quoted3 months ago
    'Order' and 'Method' were his gods.


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