Bryan Keyleader

  • slavica0088has quoted18 days ago
    • A small knife’s razor inside your wallet, next to the paper-dollars, because a metal detector can’t show it with precision and can be used as a decoy when preparing to give the money to the agressor, as well as easily grabbed between the index finger and thumb, to be used as a claw;
  • slavica0088has quoted18 days ago
    Poisonous needles with shiny metal heads stuck inside the wallet, because while looking as decorative items can also help you hurt badly (or even kill) a group of attackers with just one touch, even while you’re being punched and kicked.
  • slavica0088has quoted18 days ago
    Small powder bags (or pepper bags) hidden inside your socks. They can be used to blow the dust at people’s eyes when things go bad and you want to avoid getting hit in the first seconds, or to stop them as well. Pepper-spray has basically the same effect. But most of the times you may not have time to get it, which is why having the same content next to your feet may me more suitable when you’re facing danger.
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