“And the new empress, who is even now preparing for her first Dragon Court?”
Rabbit smiled. “Angry mothers raise daughters fierce enough to fight wolves. I am not worried for her in the least.”
Dayahas quoted2 years ago
“And the new empress, who is even now preparing for her first Dragon Court?”
Rabbit smiled. “Angry mothers raise daughters fierce enough to fight wolves. I am not worried for her in the least.”
sillionhas quoted4 days ago
I am yours, and so I will be your light and your laughter. I am yours, so open your eyes to look at me, and open your mouth so that I may kiss it. I am yours, I am yours, and nevermore will I leave
sillionhas quoted3 days ago
Home was still home, they thought as they walked, and it was a mistake to let nostalgia convince them that it was completely safe.