bookmate game

J.D. Barker

  • ;has quotedlast year
    Porter knew they were able to able to estimate age through the carbon dating of material in the eyes; it was called the Lynnerup method. The process could narrow the age down to within a year or two.
  • ;has quotedlast year
    hiccupped between ragged breaths
  • ;has quotedlast year
    I imagine Mother had scrubbed at the mess with the same enthusiasm she applied while creating it, but blood was a stubborn mistress and not one to release her hold once she got her snarled old hands wrapped around something she liked. I made a mental note to suggest Mother apply cat litter. Not only was litter absorbent, but it would help mask the odor.
  • ;has quotedlast year
    Alive one moment, charred dust the next. I would play God.
  • ;has quotedlast year
    Alive one moment, charred dust the next. I would play God.
  • ;has quotedlast year
    Sometimes, not knowing what comes next is better.
  • ;has quotedlast year
    he knew the vegan road was not one he’d meander down anytime soon
  • ;has quotedlast year
    Real life doesn’t work that way. I’ve seen more lives end than I can count, and they all seem to hold that same expectation at the end, their eyes glancing at the door, waiting for their savior to arrive. He doesn’t, though. In real life, the only true savior is oneself.
  • ;has quotedlast year
    Sometimes it’s best not to be the smartest guy in a room. Some people are scared of those with a higher intellect. If you dumb yourself down to their level, they’ll accept you.
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