Sheba Blake

  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    In order to achieve your dreams and desires, you must realize that you have the capability to achieve them, you have the greatness within you to achieve those dreams and desires.
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    Many people are afraid to go outside of their comfort zones and push themselves to do other things.
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    To find your greatness, you need to overcome these fears and hesitations.
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    The key point is that, you can also do this; it is not limited to the successful or famous, as they were in a similar situation as you are now, just looking for their calling or greatness to help enrich their lives and enable them to provide the most value to the world.
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    However, they found the courage and desire to overcome these fears and push themselves to do these different tasks and activities in order to expand their skill set, learn more about themselves, and determine where their true greatness lies
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    It is said in Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers that to become an expert at something, you need to spend a minimum of 10,000 hours (i.e. 20-hour days over a period of 10 years) of focus and practice on that topic.
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    Additionally, even “experts” by that definition do not know everything, as they can always learn something new about their field of study as well, so these facts should reassure you in your effort to try new challenges and activities in an effort to expand your skill set, increase your knowledge of yourself and your abilities, and find the greatness within you.
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    First, you should learn your strengths and weaknesses of what you do well and what you struggle with.
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    Second, you will learn more about what inspires you to achieve greatness
  • oscarkyuubihas quoted3 months ago
    Third, you will learn how to deal with adversity and setbacks by trying new activities and challenges
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