Pierre Jeanty

  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    Love her the way you crave to be loved.
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    If you thirst
    for a love that
    will drown all of the doubts
    growing in your soul
    and the fear vacationing in your mind,

    You must never settle
    for someone who lacks passion
    in their eyes when they stare at you.
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    The pain will come,
    let it visit,
    cry it out,
    vent it out,
    bleed it out.

    And then ask it to leave.

    Do not allow it to build a home
    and call it broken.

    We aren’t meant to be broken forever,
    that is punishment to our hearts and minds.
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    The sun and the moon
    take turns admiring her,
    the sun watches her rise,
    as it finds its way to
    the other side of the world
    to cover its next shift.

    The moon tags in
    to watch her sleep.
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    You owe no one an apology
    for being yourself.
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    To the previous readers,

    You’ve picked up the words that drip from my

    and treasured them.

    I cannot thank you enough

    for supporting what I am doing.

    Without you, I’d still exist;

    but the poet in me would not have had a voice loud enough.

    Thank you from my heart.
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    Love will leave few bruises

    on several occasions.

    It will hit some veins,

    and do some damage in parts of you

    that the eyes can’t see.


    it will not give you bullet wounds,

    nor will cut deep to the soul

    It will never become a bystander while

    your heart bleeds to death
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    Your voice shouldn’t tremble in the midst

    of someone who says they love you.

    If you are stumbling over your words,

    may it be because joy has your knees weak.

    But it should never be because of the fact

    that fear is swimming through your veins

    and doubt overfilling your heart in their presence.

    I can’t agree with you or them

    and say it’s love dear.

    Falling in love can be scary,

    but being in love should never be terrifying
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    She will remember the moments

    you made her feel loved

    more than the times you said,

    “I love you.”
  • Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarlethas quotedlast year
    Young love is beautiful,

    fall for that boy,

    believe that it'll never end,

    talk about forever without a care in the world.


    do not let old age catch you doing those things.

    It will remind you very quickly,

    that boys lie and that a man is what you need.

    It will tell you over and over that relationships

    end and that in a marriage full of love,

    is when you'll being seeing forever.

    Young love is beautiful, but old love is real.
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