
Jasmine Warga

  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quoted2 years ago
    “I can tell you some crazy stories if you want,” she added, in a flirtatious promise.


  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quoted2 years ago
    “Be careful,” he says.

    “Why?” I’m not thinking about being careful. I’m thinking about one last push, of letting go, of flying, and of falling.

    “You aren’t allowed to die without me,” he whispers.
  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quoted2 years ago
    “You didn’t want to,” he says. “I know you didn’t. And I didn’t want you to. I care about you too much to watch you die. I want you to live, Aysel. So I did it alone because I wanted to save you.”
  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quoted2 years ago
    “I’m not asking you to live for me. Even though that would be nice because I’m in love with you. And yeah, yeah, you can tell me I’m misusing that word, but I don’t care. That’s how I feel. But this isn’t even about me, or how I feel about you. I want you to live for you because I know there’s so much more waiting for you. There’s so much more for you to discover and experience. And you deserve it, you might not think you do, but you do. I’m here to tell you that you deserve it. And I know I sound cheesy as hell. Believe me, six weeks ago, I would’ve slapped myself for saying shit like this, but knowing you…” I trail off for a moment. “Knowing you has helped me see things differently. See myself differently. And all I want is for you to see yourself the way that I do.”
  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quoted2 years ago
    “Should I keep reading? This world”—I pick up the book—“doesn’t seem to suck so much.”

    “You say that now, but wait for it.”

    I look down at the page, an illustrated sea monster staring back at me, and then gaze at Roman. “I’ll wait for it, if you’ll wait for it.”

    He takes my hand and squeezes it. “I’ll wait for it.”
  • Luna Eclisehas quotedlast year
    I spend a lot of time wondering what dying feels like. What dying sounds like.
  • Luna Eclisehas quotedlast year
    There’s nothing that can fix me
  • Lazyprincesshas quoted2 years ago
    Thank you for believing this moment would come, even when I didn’t. Thank you for being my floodlight in the darkness. Everything I write is in some strange way a love letter to you.
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