Franks to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
hanakheder392has quoted2 years ago
Franks to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
hanakheder392has quoted2 years ago
clear winter night; stars twinkled brightly in the sky above.
The trees below bore white sleeves like strange, ghostly figures frozen to the spot in the icy landscape. It was the kind of night – for anyone with an ounce of sense – to stay indoors beside a roaring fire, though some did not take heed…
A young girl walked
scarlett xuehas quoted5 months ago
Man, when perfected, is the best of animals, but, when separated from law and justice, he is the worst of all.
—Aristotle: Politics
Hafsa Ishfaqhas quoted4 months ago
You don’t stop loving people because aren’t nice and you can’t stop loyalty if it happens to be in your blood.
Mannhas quoted3 months ago
don’t stop loving people because aren’t nice and you can’t stop loyalty if it happens to be in your blood.
Sherj Mae Santiagohas quoted2 years ago
Discovery is seeing what everyone else saw and thinking what no one thought.
Sherj Mae Santiagohas quoted2 years ago
He recognized the dangers involved in spinning theories too quickly and then, perhaps subtly and unwittingly, twisting facts to suit theories rather than constructing theories to account for the facts.
Sherj Mae Santiagohas quoted2 years ago
Holmes trained himself to see what others would overlook, a talent that didn't merely come naturally, but with intentionality and due diligence.
Sherj Mae Santiagohas quoted2 years ago
Healthy skepticism about appearances tends to be a salient feature of any credible epistemologist.