
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

  • Squidhas quoted2 years ago
    nd gold or silver-foiled wood piled up on the side of the road and sold as kindling. Needless to say, with the capital in this condition, there was no one to
  • Garumhas quotedlast year
    A single sword-stroke had pierced the breast.
  • Garumhas quotedlast year
    bamboo-blades had been trampled down all around.
  • Garumhas quotedlast year
    human life is as evanescent as the morning dew or a flash of lightning.
  • Garumhas quotedlast year
    Then Tajomaru must be the murderer.
  • Garumhas quotedlast year
    the same you've killed them.
  • Garumhas quotedlast year
    least I could satisfy my desire for her without taking her husband's life.
  • Garumhas quotedlast year
    furious desire to kill him seized me
  • rebeklyhas quoted3 months ago
    It's hard to say who is a greater sinner, you or me.
  • rebeklyhas quoted3 months ago
    Little did I expect that he would meet such a fate. Truly human life is as evanescent as the morning dew or a flash of lightning
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