But we overlay the present onto the past. We look back through the lens of what we know now, so we’re not seeing it as the people we were, we’re seeing it as the people we are, and that means the past has been radically altered.”
dirhas quotedlast month
Archimedes’ Principle states that any body completely or partially submerged in a fluid at rest is acted upon by an upward force, the magnitude of which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.
Natalie Halehas quotedlast year
“Privacy,” I said, though at eight I had no notion of privacy. I liked the word, and I liked the boxed-in feel the draperies gave when they were closed.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 months ago
“ ‘All the world’s a stage,’ ”
Habitante de librohas quoted2 months ago
Live forever, I say to myself.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 months ago
Imagine braiding the tails of three mice and then throwing in a cat.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 months ago
I thought dating meant when I was their age: ice cream, movies, walking home from school, the dread and desire that surrounded the mystery of kissing.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 months ago
I’ve made a point never to think of him at all, except that now I am thinking of him.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 months ago
And so I would hold her. You don’t forget that, even if your daughters have grown and been gone for years and then come home.