Sango Harukawa


chandanahas quotedlast year
I could always just shoot you in the head if you want to die that badly!” I yell, to which he replies:

“Wait. Seriously? Wow, thanks.”

He smiles bashfully, even though there’s nothing to blush about
chandanahas quotedlast year
“Anyway, it’s not like you to be late. What, were you on a ‘date’ or somethin’?”

He makes a circle with one hand and shoves a finger in it with the other.

?? lol

chandanahas quotedlast year
Make sure to bring a giant camera with you to take pictures of everyone who walks by and say ‘eh’ at the end of every sentence.”

“Like hell I will!”

“‘Like hell I will, eh!’”

“You call that a strategy? That’s a terri—”

“‘A terrible idea, eh?’”

“Stop guessing what I’m going to say!”
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