
Gertrude Stein

  • LiterariaLetterhas quotedlast year
    cushion has that cover. Supposing you do not like to change, supposing it is very clean that there is no change in appearance, supposing that there is regularity and a costume is that any the worse than an oyster and an exchange.
  • Talia Garzahas quoted2 years ago
    Very much later when he had had a great deal of success he said one day, you know, your family, everybody, if you are a genius and unsuccessful, everybody treats you as if you were a genius, but when you come to be successful, when you commence to earn money, when you are really successful, then your family and everybody no longer treats you like a genius, they treat you like a man who has become successful.
  • saraakhtarkhavarihas quoted2 years ago
    I feel it is better that everybody is dangerous than that they are not and if they are everybody will either die or be killed.
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