<!-- <description> -->This book aims to serve as a practical guide for novices to design and conduct measurements of thermal properties at the nanoscale using electrothermal techniques. An outgrowth of the authors’ tutorials for new graduate students in their own labs, it includes practical details on measurement design and selection, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, and pitfalls and verifications. The information is particularly helpful for someone setting up their own experiment for the first time.
The book emphasizes the integration of thermal analysis with practical experimental considerations, in order to design an experiment for best sensitivity and to configure the laboratory instruments accordingly. The focus is on the measurements of thermal conductivity, though thermal diffusivity and thermal boundary resistance (thermal contact resistance) are also briefly covered, and many of the principles can be generalized to other challenging thermal measurements.
The reader is only expected to have the basic familiarity with electrical instruments typical of a university graduate in science or engineering, and an acquaintance with the elementary laws of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation.
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Chapter 1: What is in Your Toolbox?
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<!-- <contents> -->Contents:What is in Your Toolbox?:IntroductionResistance Thermometry3ω MethodSuspended Microfabricated-Device MethodDistributed Self-Heating MethodVariations of the Distributed Self-Heating Method, including T-Bridge MethodCentral-Line Heater MethodHeat Spreader MethodClosing RemarksWhich Tool Should You Choose?:IntroductionBulk SamplesThin FilmsSuspended 1D structures: Nanotubes and NanowiresLiquids, Biological Tissues, and Other Soft Matter: Supported 3ω MethodHow to Prepare for a Successful Experiment?:IntroductionThermal Design to Make Parasitics Negligible“Pre-Lab Exercises”: Estimating Key Electrical Parameters Prior to the ExperimentControl Experiments: Validation Using Samples of Known kElectrical Sanity Checks: Repeatability, Reversibility, and ScalingUncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis:IntroductionPreliminariesPartial Derivative MethodMonte Carlo MethodAppendices:Lock-In AmplifierEffect of Natural Convection on the 3ω MethodAdvantages of a 4-Point Probe AC MeasurementVoltage to Current ConversionCryostat and Vacuum LevelRadiation ShieldsMaterial PropertiesThe Lognormal Distribution<!-- </contents> -->
<!-- <readership> -->Readership: Graduate students and researchers in nanotechnology; professional.<!-- </readership> -->
Thermal Conductivity;Nanoscale;3 Omega Method;Electrothermal Method;Experimental Methods;Introduction;Novice;Beginning0Key Features:A handbook or manual for a novice researcher to get up to speed and effective in performing their own measurements independentlyIntegrated use of thermal design coupled with practical experimental considerations, an approach showing how a microfabricated experimental platform can be optimized to make the measurement results most sensitive to the property of the unknown sample, and highlights the trade-offs between simplicity of microfabrication and simplicity of the heat transfer modelOffers some of the most beginner-friendly treatments available for various practical experimental matters, notably including the Monte Carlo approach to uncertainty analysis and detailed advice on configuring a lock-in amplifier for delicate electrothermal measurements