Howard Lovecraft

The Call of Cthulhu and At the Mountains of Madness

  • UGLYPUPhas quoted11 years ago
    In 1921, while attending a convention of the UAPA in Boston, Lovecraft met Sonia Greene, a widowed Brooklyn milliner seven years his senior. Their brief, disastrous marriage took him to New York City for two years; his return to Providence in the spring of 1926 prompted the greatest creative outburst of his short career.
  • Zoe Bernardohas quotedlast month
    must reveal them, is inevitable; yet, if I suppressed what will seem extravagant and incredible, there would be nothing left
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    Radiates, vegetables, monstrosities, star spawn—whatever they had been, they were men!
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    Still another time have I come to a place where it is very difficult to proceed. I ought to be hardened by this stage; but there are some experiences and intimations which scar too deeply to permit of healing, and leave only such an added sensitiveness that memory reinspires all the original horror.
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    Perhaps we were mad—for have I not said those horrible peaks were mountains of madness?
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    A voice from other epochs belongs in a graveyard of other epochs.
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    Could one be sure of what might or might not linger, even to this day, in the lightless and unplumbed abysses of earth’s deepest waters?
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    Was it still down there, a stony corpse in eternal blackness?
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    No human eye had ever seen them, and as I studied the emotions conveyed in the carvings, I prayed that none ever might.
  • Bohuhas quoted7 months ago
    Whatever the old secret of interstellar travel had been, it was now definitely lost to the race.
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