Some twenty years ago the author published a book entitled The Physics of Particle Detectors. Much has evolved since that time, not in the basic physics, but in the complexity, number and versatility of the detectors in common use in both experiments, beam-lines and accelerators. Those changes have been heavily influenced by the concurrent dramatic changes in the microelectronics industry. In parallel, the use of computer-aided teaching has also greatly improved. The present volume explores the physics needed to understand the full suite of front-end devices in use today. In particular the physics explanation is made concurrently with the specific device being discussed, thus making the coupling more immediate. That study is made more interactive by using newer educational tools now available such as dynamic Matlab Apps.Contents: PrefaceIntroductionGetting Started with MatlabBasic Physics ProcessesDetector and Beam InstrumentationAccelerator InstrumentationSummaryAppendicesReferencesIndex
Readership: Students and researchers in high energy physics and accelerator physics.Matlab Apps;Detector and Beam Instrumentation; Accelerator Instrumentation00