Looking for a Bible you can really understand? Try the New Life Bible, specially designed to clarify difficult words and passages. The New Life Versionused around the world in mission workis now available as an ebook edition. Containing the complete New Testament text, helpful descriptive subheads throughout, and topical study outlines to further explain the scriptures, this NLV Bible is for everyone. Its limited vocabulary makes it perfect for younger readers, in English-as-a-second-language use, or even for longer-term Christians who just want a fresh perspective on the scriptures.This unique scripture version, originally designed to reach people who did not speak English as their native language, uses a limited vocabulary of 850 words to simply and clearly share Gods truth. For example, the term justified is rendered made right with God, and blaspheme is rendered speak against God. Ideal for seekers, new believers, or even mature Christians who want a new perspective on the Bible.