‘And I love you, too. When you love someone, you sign up for the whole thing. Even if they’re grumpy or weird or sick or if they’re pregnant, Rachel. It doesn’t matter how many things you have on already. You love the whole person.’
Arooma Zehrahas quoted6 months ago
He was a doctor and I was supposed to take what he said seriously; but he was a dentist and my dad so I didn’t
Arooma Zehrahas quoted6 months ago
I looked as though I was coping magnificently, and so my friends stopped checking in as much, and then when the real breakdown happened a month later I found myself not just in tears but curiously alone
Arooma Zehrahas quoted6 months ago
August was a month so wild that now we only refer to it as one thing: The Gaynaissance
Arooma Zehrahas quoted6 months ago
Elephant Feet Productions
Diana Cathas quoted9 months ago
Whether the strange looks were real or not, they were real to me, and they affected every choice that came next.
Diana Cathas quoted10 months ago
It is amazing to me, now, how convinced I was that my emotional debt to the people who had raised me was paid, simply because I no longer lived with them.
Diana Cathas quoted10 months ago
“We’ve all had our hearts broken, and we’ve all had someone cut us some slack because of it.”
Diana Cathas quoted10 months ago
I don’t know who I was trying to impress. I did not want a boyfriend; I did want romance. I wanted passion; I did not want to be someone who was known as easy. I was desperate to be touched; I was terrified of being ruined.
Diana Cathas quoted10 months ago
I chose English, originally, because I liked to read. But even then what I liked most about reading was that I was good at it.