Whoever said money couldn’t buy happiness had never seen this.
isahas quoted2 years ago
Not even your perfectly preserved vagina can pull that off.”
“Like an Egyptian tomb in there. Practically mummified,”
dzawihnhas quoted2 years ago
You know where to find me when you’re ready.”
Fjite 24has quoted2 years ago
Why did you leave so early to get coffee?
Fjite 24has quoted2 years ago
life, River was restrained and cautious. As a lover, he was expressive and generous. And in sleep, he was a cuddler: pressed up against her all night, her long, big spoon.
Fjite 24has quoted2 years ago
, unless you and Fizzy are going to remove every copy in the grocery store, it’s probably good Juno found out today.”
Fjite 24has quoted2 years ago
Just trying not to freak out,” she said, and quickly added, “Good freak out. Deeply infatuated freak out.”
Fjite 24has quoted2 years ago
don’t know what to do with myself,” she said. “Nobody needs me right now.”