she felt him for a moment as a human being, a little closer to her when not altogether invulnerable.
bismahas quoted6 months ago
The core, where she felt a constant unsureness, this structure always near collapse, which could so easily be shattered by a harsh word, a slight, a criticism, which floundered before obstacles, was haunted by the image of catastrophe,
bismahas quoted6 months ago
Wherever I am, I am in many pieces, not daring to bring them all together,
bismahas quoted6 months ago
Now I am here where I will not be hurt, for a few days at least I will not be hurt in any way, by any word or gesture…but I am not all of me here, only half of me is being sheltered.
bismahas quoted6 months ago
Why am I loved by him? Will he continue to love me? His love is for something I am not. I am not beautiful enough, I am not good, I am not good for him, he should not love me, I do not deserve it, shame shame shame for not being beautiful enough, there are other women so much more beautiful, with radiant faces and clear eyes.
bismahas quoted7 months ago
I think so. I think we are more severe judges of our own acts than professional judges. We judge our thoughts, our intents, our secret curses, our secret hates, not only our acts.”
bismahas quoted7 months ago
Guilt is the one burden human beings can’t bear alone.
Natalija Kuznecovhas quoted7 months ago
I think we are more severe judges of our own acts than professional judges. We judge our thoughts, our intents, our secret curses, our secret hates, not only our acts."
Zaahrahas quotedlast year
and of the treacheries of time seeking to cheat her by permitting clocks to strike the passing hours when she was not awake to grasp their contents.
Zaahrahas quotedlast year
The flame of accelerated living by fever glowed in her and drew people to her as the lights of night life drew passersby out of the darkness of empty streets.