The Internet enables us to learn from market reality by looking at what people actually do online.
Isa Kinne Jacobsenhas quoted8 years ago
Market reality provides a sounder basis than market research for making crucial business decisions
Isa Kinne Jacobsenhas quoted8 years ago
All the great leaps forward in digital technologies have been characterized by one thing—they have given you and me more control over our lives.
Isa Kinne Jacobsenhas quoted8 years ago
However, when conducting market research, especially surveys, we need to take one key factor into account—people lie!
Isa Kinne Jacobsenhas quoted8 years ago
Successful digital campaigns share a range of characteristics, but campaigns that fail all have one thing in common: They don't acknowledge the empowered and informed consumer.
Isa Kinne Jacobsenhas quoted8 years ago
With these advances in communication and web technology, the walls have fallen not only between a company and its customer but between fellow customers, who can publicly share their experiences—the good, the bad, and the ugly!