He had to win that wager. It was the only way Jinshi would be able to choose his own path. Perhaps other ways existed. But a man of ordinary intelligence such as Jinshi couldn’t imagine them.
Thus he had chosen the road he now followed.
Jinshi brought his cup to his lips and felt the sweet fruit wine wet his throat, the heavenly smile never slipping from his face.
“Here you go. Take this, and this—oh, and you’ll need one of these.”
Maomao winced at all the stuff that came veritably flying at her. The one flinging the rouge and whitening powder and clothes in her direction was the courtesan Meimei. They were in her room at the Verdigris House.
“Sis, I don’t need any of this,” Maomao said, taking the cosmetics one by one and returning them to their various shelves.
“Like fun you don’t,” Meimei said, exasperated. “Everyone else there is going to have even better stuff than this. The least you could do is try to look decent.”
“Only courtesans get this tarted up to go to work.”
Maomao had just glanced aside, privately wishing she could go mix those herbs she’d collected the day before, when a bundle of wooden writing strips came flying at her. Her esteemed older sister was solicitous, but sometimes short-tempered. “You finally get a job worth having, and you won’t even try to act like you belong there? Listen, the world is full of people who would kill to be in your place. If you aren’t grateful for what you’ve got, your hard-won clientele will run out on you!”
“Oh, very well...” Maomao said. Whether administered by the madam or Meimei, education in the Verdigris House