These attributes are accesskey , class , contenteditable , contextmenu , dir , draggable , dropzone , hidden
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
Browsers cannot share the user’s location without permission. Technically, browsers and mobile devices have the ability to share this information without consent, but all major browsers prompt the user for permission.
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
Geolocation lets you determine a user’s position anywhere on Earth using a geographic coordinate system (latitude and longitude). To detect the user’s location, browsers and devices rely on GPS hardware, wireless infrastructure, or a user’s IP address.
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
localStorage methods setItem (key, value) Saves a value under a new key name or updates a value for an existing key. getItem (key) Retrieves the value for a given key name. removeItem (key) Deletes an entry in the data store for the given key name.
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
The CSS3 Grid Template Layout Module
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
The CSS3 multi-column layout
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
float property in CSS allows text to wrap around an image. This style was borrowed from print design, where the effect is called text wrap or runaround. CSS achieves this effect by allowing elements following a floated element in the HTML markup to surround the element, effectively changing their position.
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
reset style sheets, which he then released into the public domain. You will use his style rules in this exercise. For more information on the reset technique, visit
rootarthas quoted9 years ago
This space between your paragraphs and headings is a result of the default margins as defined by your web browser.