Daniel Smith

How to think like Sherlock

  • Pseudonimkahas quoted3 years ago
    Do You Have the Personality?
  • Shariehas quoted3 years ago
    The more you practise the skill, the more natural it will become.

    I like this line

  • Pseudonimkahas quoted3 years ago
    Just let me alone, and I’ll soon be right.’
  • Radia Radiyahas quoted2 months ago
    In a world where we are fed a diet of eye-wateringly dull reality television and are forced to bear witness to the tiresome antics of identikit celebrities, Holmes’s fantastic feats of intellect and his complex and multi-layered psychology have never
  • sarasuleman0505has quotedlast year
    Dear old Sherlock has rather acquired a reputation over the years as an anti-social, unfeeling machine with a fearsome streak of arrogance


  • sarasuleman0505has quotedlast year
    Dear old Sherlock has rather acquired a reputation over the years as an anti-social, unfeeling machine with a fearsome streak of arrogance.
  • kvzvchas quotedlast year
    Intuition is perception as derived from the subconscious while feeling is the result of subjective and empathetic estimation.
  • Cheska Alfarhas quotedlast year
    The truth is that many of the judgements we make about personality are instinctive and say as much about us as they do about the person we are judging
  • Cheska Alfarhas quotedlast year
    The truth is that many of the judgements we make about personality are instinctive and say as much about us as they do about the person we are judging.
  • Cheska Alfarhas quotedlast year
    The truth is that many of the judgements we make about personality are instinctive and say as much about us as they do about the person we are judging.
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