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Paul Adams

Summary of Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not

  • Nv Foreverhas quoted2 years ago
    should purchase assets and use that extra positive cash flow to purchase their desires.
  • Nv Foreverhas quoted2 years ago
    renting market has gone down in value,
  • Nv Foreverhas quoted2 years ago
    As long as you purchase something that brings money to your pocket, it is an asset;
  • b6215052454has quoted2 years ago
    As long as you purchase something that brings money to your pocket, it is an asset; anything else is considered a liability
  • b6215052454has quoted2 years ago
    A third idea that Kiyosaki goes over is the use of building and buying assets to create a positive cash flow.
  • b6215052454has quoted2 years ago
    While kiyosaki isn’t saying that a university education isn’t useless, he does think that the universities in the United States are not helping the students learn about how the world really works, about “street smarts”.
  • b6215052454has quoted2 years ago
    the idea that being an entrepreneur is more risky. Instead Kiyosaki suggests that being an entrepreneur is actually a way to build better self-reliance than working for another person ever could
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