
Patrick King

  • Raul Martinezhas quoted2 years ago
    “actions speak louder than words”
  • dm8d2wvhwvhas quotedlast year
    Projection is a defense mechanism that can cause considerable damage and chaos if not understood for what it is. In this case, we place unwanted and unclaimed feelings onto someone or something else rather than seeing that they are a part of ourselves. We do not recognize our own “dark side” and project it onto others, blaming them for our shortcomings or seeing our flaws in their actions.
  • Vivien Zjavkovahas quotedlast year
    Recognizing people's "inner child" is another way to understand their deepest motives.
  • barboravaichas quoted2 years ago
    denial and rationalization.
  • Dirk Leonhas quotedlast year
    Even the least emotionally and socially intelligent people can learn something about other people if they engage with them long enough.
  • prajilaprasai2069has quotedlast year
    The deepest craving in every human being is the desire to be appreciated.”
  • Vivien Zjavkovahas quotedlast year
    According to Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, the shadow consists of everything in ourselves that we'd rather not look at. They are the parts of ourselves that we conceal from both others and ourselves. Humans have a hard time seeing their flaws because of emotions like fear, panic, rage, and arrogance.
  • Melissa Spittelhas quotedlast year
    Hopefully you can see that the issue was simply that they were unprepared.
  • ashleyjuliadahas quoted9 months ago
    Utilize affirmative body language—position toward the speaker, nod, and vocalize agreement.
  • ashleyjuliadahas quoted9 months ago
    Summarize or paraphrase key points to show understanding and strengthen the connection with the speaker.
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